Guide to Nauli Kriya

What Will You Learn?

  • You will learn how to practice and perform Nauli Kriya

Course Content

Stage 1 | Uddiyana Bandha
Learn how to perform "Uddiyana Bandha", emphasis on keeping abdominal wall completely relaxed before sucking in during holding breaths.

  • How to perform Uddiyana Bandha (Stomach vacuum)

Stage 2 | Agnisara Kriya
Same principles as Uddiyana Bandha, just add some movement (flapping) the abdominal wall in and out.

Stage 3 | Madhyama Nauli
Isolating and contracting the rectus abdominis from deeper abdominal muscles.

Stage 4 | Vama and Dakshina Nauli
Isolating and contracting side by side from left and right side of rectus abdominis.

Stage 5 | Nauli Kriya
Churning, create the wave-like movement from left to right and right to left.

Practice Sequences
Practice 5-10 minutes each morning

Applied Positions

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